Money ... doesn't really matter, actually!

Nov 08, 2007 09:48

My financial software predicts that, without a job, I'll have finally drained my bank account on December 25. Cheery day. My financial software also doesn't know how to plan for the surprising and miraculous! It's not that I don't think that I can stretch it into January, but that God's really given me an unreasonable hope and joy this last month! I am happy, and I am well.

I remember, at the end of September, when moneysocal challenged me with some things that he thought would be hard for me to take. But I was worn out and weary from my bitterness about the job situation, and it turns out that his words couldn't have been more timely. As a broken woman, I ask God to fill me with the Holy Spirit and change my heart. I asked, that's all I did. That's all I had energy to do. Things changed overnight!

Hehe, that's not what I was planning to write when I turned on the computer this morning. I hope that ends up encouraging someone. :-)

One of the signs of winter approaching is that International Delight begins to distribute its holiday-flavored coffee creamers! Today I'm enjoying Vanilla Spiced Rum, and boy, it's good. It is a beautiful 54 degrees out; who would believe that it was literally 92 degrees just a week and a half ago?

A bank appraiser is going to be visiting the apartment today. Debs and I have talked about the possibility of this happening and, up until today, have wavered between cleaning up and making it look pretty or trashing the place so that nobody will want to buy it! ("Pretty" won.) I'm interested in watching the process; maybe I can learn what to look for in home-buying by watching the guy today. I hope that he appraises low, however, because a low purchase price for the buyer means more potential savings passed along to us, the renters.

In 2006, our 1,222 square foot apartment (B4 floorplan) was appraised at $284,000. What the heck! I can buy 28 acres of land, a house, and a barn for that price in some other locations!

Edit: Appraiser just came. That was the shortest visit ever! Seriously, he spent less than two minutes in the apartment, and he only looked into the kitchen and Debbie's room. Weird.

Here are links to two news stories that interested me:

Congress investigates six televangelists (including five of TBN's poster kids for prosperity) for possible misuse of donations. I wonder why it's Congress looking into it, not the IRS, but I'm happy that there's some legal accountability for these preachers.

Despite his record-breaking day of fundraising on the 5th, Ron Paul is consistently ignored by the mainstream media! The article is written by a journalist I've come to know and respect through his investigation of the TBN takeover at the Holy Land.

money, debbie, media, hope, 308

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