the good things of life

Apr 24, 2007 22:31

Just finished a wonderful and provoking study on submission for this week's Apples of Gold class that took me all over the Scriptures. Wow, I needed to hear that stuff.

Last week's Apples of Gold meeting concluded with the admonition to us girls to run everything we see, hear, do, and otherwise experience through the Philippians 4:8 test -- "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

Tonight's episode of American Idol passed the test.

You know, I was really expecting "Idol Gives Back" to be some cheesy feel-good episode just to give us materialistic Americans a way to feel better about ourselves for a moment. But it wasn't that. Idol talked about various needs of poverty-stricken people in Africa and the United States, but went further to highlight the good work of various organizations involved in helping to heal the wounds of that poverty. These are the organizations that will get the money from the "Idol Gives Back" fundraiser. I felt so honored to be actually introduced to those who will be using the money, rather than simply hearing, "The money's going to charity."

And then on top of the "Idol Gives Back" goodness, we were blessed to hear six solid performances, done with honor and excellence. Beautiful!

How thankful I am that Sanjaya has left the competition, for I'm fearful that his presence would have turned it into a circus rather than the touching and inspirational episode that it was.

While watching, I saw how two of my passions for the future combined -- I think I'm going to be adopting orphans from Africa. A revelation? Perhaps.

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apples of gold, money, american idol, revelation, adoption

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