the nativity story

Dec 13, 2006 00:45

After yet another Christmas party tonight, I went by myself to watch The Nativity Story at a theater. I have to say -- wow -- simply wow.

For a while I struggled with the fact that there was no element of surprise for me -- c'mon, everybody knows the story. Mary gets pregnant, some angels make appearances, a baby's born in a stable, shepherds show up, yadda, yadda, yadda. But then I relaxed into the story, and soon found tears streaming down my face. It was so real.

It will make anyone who's ever been part of a Christmas pageant feel embarrassed, myself certainly included.

I liked watching intimacy grow between Mary and Joseph. In the beginning she didn't want to even look at the man, much the less become his wife. But little by little, day by day, touch by touch, with time they grew, and at the end there was love.

I loved how Christmas carols were very creatively woven into the soundtrack. The boys' choir, the French, the Latin, it was beautiful! "Silent Night," "Carol of the Bells," "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen." Barely perceptible, but there -- and wonderful. I stayed through the credits to hear the music, and would pay to hear it again.

Although it didn't do anything specific to foreshadow Christ's death, there were a few things -- the many roadside crucifixions, some on crosses and others makeshift on trees, and the third magi's gift -- "Myrrh, a symbol of great sacrifice."

The temple! Oh my gosh. Just look at the temple, particularly its interior while Zacharias is offering incense!

Probably the one thing that disappointed me was the portrayal of King Herod and his son Antipas. Somehow, religious films have yet to hit the mark in creating quality "bad guys." They tend to be creepy and unrealistic, and the Herods were mostly so as well.

There were a few Biblical inaccuracies, but they were few and they were small. Biblical authenticity was greater! Nothing detracted from the birth of Jesus as the Messiah of God -- Emmanuel -- God Himself in the flesh! God remained majestic God, and that's pretty uncommon in the telling of this story.

For a modern so-called epic film, The Nativity Story was short, only 90 minutes. It was perfect and it was great.

I encourage you to go to the theater and see this movie while it's out. Not to support the Christian film industry necessarily, but because it's done well, and because Christ the Savior is born!

reviews, christmas

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