magic kingdom residents

Aug 27, 2006 19:45

I wasn't fully alert this morning on the way to church and missed an important turn. Next thing I know, I'm approaching the dreaded pastel toll gates for Magic Kingdom's parking lot. "That will be $9, please," a friendly attendant informs me when I pull up to his booth.

Now, I was a Disney cast member driving around on back roads long enough to know that, if I can get past those toll gates, casually blow past a whole lot of "Authorized Vehicles Only" signs, and get through Magic Kingdom's knotted backroads, there's a peachy shortcut to church waiting for me! It's just been a while since I've tried, and I don't know how many security stops have been added to the route.

So without completely spilling my plan to the attendant, I tell him that I'd missed a turn and am not planning to visit the park. I explain the route I'd originally planned to take and, thinking to help me by redirecting me back to that route, he lets me through. Hahaha! Contemporary Resort, water-bridge, Seven Dwarves Way, Space Mountain, Magic Kingdom railroad switching yard, Utilidor, holiday scenic shop, Disney University, Reams Road -- here I come!

There had been no need to worry about security stops -- not only were there no new stops, Disney has removed the ones that previously existed along that route! I guess that the excess of "Authorized Vehicles Only" signs are supposed to replace the jobs of a couple of living and breathing human beings.

Despite having left home later than planned, I ended up at church early. The Disney shortcut is a really good one!

I reversed the route going home, and this time noticed a strange sign joining all the "Do Not Enter" signs near the Utilidor drawbridge entrance -- it said, "RESIDENTS STAY LEFT." Residents? Who the heck lives in Magic Kingdom? That's the one and only place the bridge leads to.

local, disney, surprise

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