Hey what's that!

Mar 22, 2004 21:27

Yo well i freeking loved this weekend it kicked so much ass!I went to my bestfriends house (jon) and chilled there like always his parents told me i have to start paying rent lmfao i love them im like their adoptive child.Well any way it started off good i was like woohoo im going to go there and meet up with a chick at his house but it turned out that she couldent go but its alright because it wasent her fault as she says.But i got over it.Jon was in a bad mood i dont know why but its i guess one of those days that everyone gets.Maybe because we had plans then they got crushed so we had nothing to do our night was ruined.But the highlight of the night was when chuchi (jon little bro.) punch him in the face because he was mad and earlier he was like damn it i want to stick someone in the face i guess he got what he wished for.(you should have seen jons phone fly out of his hands when he got punched and the look on his face like wtf just happend)lol hahahahah .We ordered pizza and then we ate it in the front of the house u know just chillen niccauh and chuchi was going crazy that guy is so funny he was fucking running around in his boxers after cars lmao and then he wanted to pee so he did it in the middle of the street yea the street he even spelled his name and me i fucking drop kicked the tree because i had some anger in me jon laughed so hard he couldent breath it was a cool feeling i felt like a man.Then he wanted to go to alex's house but i dident want to go because all this bad mood in the house got me in a bad mood i guess it rubbed off on me but its cool because i went back home because jon was walking to alex's and i just stayed at that park but damn i never knew a park could be so scary there were so many noises.So i called jon saying come to the park he said no so i ran really fast to his house and went to sleep at 11:00 pm i ran because i hate the dark especially when your alone.All that happend on friday.SATURDAY we all woke up me first like always and i had to like beg jon to wake up for like 5 hours because i wake up at like 8 am so he always gets mad but he looks so funny when he gets mad and tells me "CRISTIAN LEAVE ME ALONE GO EAT OR SOMETHING THEN GO BACK TO SLEEP" and in the morning im very hyper and i ate a pbj sandwitch and i kinda got tired after wards so i like passed out and dident wake up till 12:30 there i got jon to finally wake up and he jumped out of bed with the music loud and we danced out of the bed room it was awesome.That day we played pool the whole day ofcourse i practacly beat everyone but i did loose a couple of time but thats because i wasent trying.lol also mike this kid i know came over with some chicks one of them was pretty hott i wanted to do her but i guess mike did it before me =*( then jon and me wrestled for fucking 30 min str8 it was hilarious because HE KNOWS I FUCKING KICKED HIS ASS!!!!!that night we were supposta go to a kegger but it got raided damn cops so we just ended up chillen at his house ofcourse the parents werent there so we stole a couple of beer .We were chillen with some chicks they were sooo hott (lauren i love u baby!) lol even though u got me sick but its cool since its ur germs. Anyway i got fucked up that night dont wanna go into detail but lets say i drank all the beer since no1 like corona freeking pussy's.Then sunday morning i went with joey to the mall to drop off hi friend then he had to go to work so he was like yo stay at sawgrass for 4 hours meanwile i work so i wont have to go all the way back to my house to pick u up so we can go to laurens house so me and jon stayed but never again im fucking staying at a mal for that fucking long i was dying my toes were killin me .But jon stole a little 2 cent turtle 1st thing he has ever stolen in his life it was so funny because its like the size of his toumb and i bet u he will loose it in 2 days anyways lol he was shooting people with his key chain gun and it was anoying he was like a 3 year old i mean it was cute but god damn it i wanted to take the guna and throw it as far as i can then after that went to laurens house chillen then came home at 10 pm studyed for test a\dont feel like fucking writeing no more im dying the fucking end!!!!!!!!!
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