
Jul 28, 2004 08:16

Well its been a wile since the last time i updated i dont think i should write in this crap no more even thought it makes me feel better writing it down because i am letting out my frustration someway.Well the last pass week ive been out has been a fun one. Not incredably fun but my cuzin from nicaragua moved in with me and we have gone out drinking every night and coming home very quietly at 6 in the morning.Ive gotten wasted every night for a week ive been in heaven. Well lately ive been like imma get my tounge peirced and now i am i went yesterday it was a fucking mission to get to the fle in noth side miami i fucking drove for hours. Got to us1 and parked my car at a wendy's got on the metro rail for like a good half an hour I was starting to get nervous during half way and then went we got there i was like this is it the time to face up and the fucking fle was closed im like strick one for the idiot.Then since my couzin looks like me i used his i.d. to go to a tattoo place to see if the would peirce my toung but they were like no we cant do it because this i.d. if from out of the country (yea well fuck u) Well here i am up since 7:30 waiting to take my couzin for work,he wont fucking get up he never dose.After i drop him off im going to go to the fle and see if they are open ill write in this shyt some other time.p.s. if my parents find out what im doing ill be sooooooo fucking dead. haha but thats what makes cristian cristian noucccauh!
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