Jan 18, 2004 16:19
Well, the weekend was awesome even though we had some time issues. haha I came back from geography early because our teacher was being a tool and showing us pictures of his trip to Africa. We sat around and watched TV, the girls left, and KT and Anne came...with many presents for me! I got my Brooklyn Dodgers hat which is so awesome, KT brought Pride and Prejudice to watch, and I got HAPPY FEET!! HOORAY!! We were planning on going to the mall and Target on Saturday so we just had a PandP/spooning night. We ordered pizza and Trickey Stix from Pipeline and just hung out. Yesterday, KT and I woke up at about 12 or so. Missa was already at work. We watched TV, didn't shower, got dressed, and put on our hats!! We had to wait for Missa to get home because we were gonna go to Target and the mall by bus. She got back and showered as we waited around. I read the bus schedule and it said the bus was gonna leave at 4:31 pm so we got the the station a few minutes before so I just looked at the schedule for shits and giggles. I saw that the bus had left at 19 after the hour. It wasn't my fault! I'm not a seasone bus schedule reader!! We decided to leave at 5:19 instead. We laid on my bed until 5:15 and went to the bus stop. The bus was pulling away so we ran to it and KT tried to wave down the driver but she wasn't sure what was going on so she just waved back! We went to the VC to eat some dinner. I had said that there was a boys b-ball game that night at 7 so we walked over to the gym then. Turns out that the game is next week! I was like uh sorry guys! We came back to the room and KT finally got to see Monty Python and the Holy Grail! I love that movie! Colin called, in a silly mood, and we talked for a while. I miss him a lot. I wish I could be down in Cali now, but March 20th isn't that far away! We were all tired so we had a party on my bed and spooned while listening to my night music mix on the comp and talked about many random things. hehe. We went to bed at about 3. We got up today around 12:30 and KT and I showered, which was good because I hadn't washed my hair since Thursday. I know, that's really gross, but I had a hat on! She packed all her ish and Anne, Meg, and KT's grandma came up to the room. Anne took us to Fred Meyer to get some much needed food. We have so much pop, it fills up most of our fridge. We got chips, crackers, candy, bread, and milk too. We came back, I said bye to KT, Missa went to work, and I'm sitting here, listening to Ms. Barbra Streisand!! I'm really hungry so I think I'm gonna make myself a peanut butter sandwich. That sounds so good. I'm glad everyone had a fun time at JA despite some of the hairstyles! I miss you guys. See ya kids!
I miss you...
KT- Thanks for an awesome weekend. I'm glad that you were here to cry with me because God knows I have needed you with me for the past couple of weeks. Thanks for everything kid. until next time... ELEPHANT SHOES #1
P.S. Remember, Second Continental Congress haha