I really don't want to repeat yesterday, I feel like I was pushed around by belly people, too. T_T Now would be a good time to incorporate a rant about the uselessness that is the German train company (they managed to get our train from Berlin delayed by thirteen minutes because of... *gasp*... nothing, making me miss my connection in the process), but I'm so glad the day is over that I don't feel like revisiting it in memory.
The embassy person approved of my temporary visa (YAY!), it'll be sent in the mail by Friday or sometime in the first few days of next week. So the next obstacle is getting past the officer at the airport in Boston, but I'll worry about that when time comes. For now, I have to think about how to get my stuff into the country. Customs regulations are tighter than security ones for entering Fort Knox, I bet. There's so much you're not allowed to sent via mail, including your own clothes, so now I'll have to find a way to get enough clothes over there to last me through everyday routine without becoming broke in the process. ;__; Or breaking my back when trying to lift the luggage. Then I have to go to a German customs station before leaving here to register my electronic appliances, so that I have proof I actually bought the stuff in Germany and am allowed to take it into the U.S. and back out again after a year. And I have to check what I'm allowed to put into my carry-on luggage, because apparently there's a long list of things I'm not allowed to take. Wonderful. I've decided I hate traveling, especially when it's to a country that tries to make me quit attempting to enter before I even started. -.-
To stop myself from mulling over this too much, I checked up on what I missed here on LJ yesterday. So much SHINee stuff going around again. :D I think if they hadn't already sucked me in, I'd be seriously annoyed of how much spotlight they're stealing these days. ^^ As it is, I'm happy as a kid on Christmas. And my rare pairing condition has manifested itself again. I really don't know why every time I entera new fandom, I get magnetically pulled towards the rare pairings that barely anyone else seems to ship. T_T Why can't I just go and ship 2Min like everybody else seems to do? No, instead while flailing over Taemin's hair and the contrast between his new image and the previous ones, or while laughing over Onew's sangtae or gushing over his smile, Ontae creeps into my heart and makes itself comfortable.
Personally, I think it's that much easier to get than 2min. It's partly the fault of their member arrangement for pics and stuff because leader and maknae always have to stick together like glue for those, but even in things like the Inkigayo winning cut. Sure, Minho grabbed Taemin's wrist and pulled him close for no apparent reason (and my mind was ringing with the imagine squeals of thousands of 2min fangirls, lol), but it didn't even take five seconds for Taemin to shake off the hand and wander over to Onew to point whatever thing out to him. They have this comfortable feeling about their friendship, whispering and fooling around and helping each other out that stands out that much more to me than 2min. So, naturally, Ontae eats my soul these days. ;__;