Okay, this meme's been going around, and I'm bored so I thought I'd give it a go. I got five random words from
dreamsofspike which I now have to blog about. Anyone who wants to play, comment with "words" and I'll give you five words to blog about. :)
1. Slash - Ahhh, the newest addition to my life. One that I'm certainly not eager to tell my family about! Just brings pictures of House and Wilson into my head...it seems that I find it a lot easier to write about and relate to gay relationships in fic. Plus, House/Wilson is so canon that I can't understand why the writers haven't gone all the way with them yet. One can only hope...
2. Favorite - *sings in the tune of 'My Favourite Things* Morrissey, Scrubs, Life on Mars and House/Wilson. Slashy angst fics with that pair known as 'hilson'. Wilson on top, House all tied up with string...THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVOURITE THINGS ;)
3. House - Makes me think of the obvious. Though, for some reason I picture him sitting alone on his couch in the dark. It's quite sad. Saying that, my background pic on my phone is the sign on a restaurant that reads: Pizza Spaghetti House. I LOVE ALL OF THOSE!!! I found it amusing.
4. Scrubs - I'm a sucker for JDA (JD angst) and, of course, some JD/Cox stuff. Though just thinking about Scrubs makes me sad now. Not only is it over *sniffle* I also wrote a 37 page fic (that wasn't even finished) and I was so proud of it - only for my computer to suddenly corrupt the frickin' file! So I lost the whole thing. Then I spent £40 on some recovery software and STILL couldn't find the damn thing. It took me weeks to get over that. I had to grieve!!!
5. Romance - Something I have none of in my life, so I settle for reading about it instead. I love the idea of either Wilson being a soppy romantic and House actually secretly being happy about it...OR House uncharacteristically doing somethiing romantic to show Wilson how much he means to him. There aren't enough of those fics around. Though this is one of my favourites in that vein:
Choices by Gena (over on Squidge) Anywho, that's it. If anyone else wants to play, comment with 'WORDS'. Though I should probably add more friends if I actually expect people to read these things...hmmm.