Title: Goldfinger
bonomaniaRating/warnings: Sex implied, but so tame.
Summary: Drabble
Disclaimer: I own House about as much as I own a Rickenbacker.
A/N: Also on FF . net under 'A Box of Drabbles.'
It took an enormous amount of energy to keep restrained at work.
It was a mutual decision they made that no one else would know. Even Cuddy was oblivious and it was easier that way. No one could meddle or interfere - just the way House liked it. In any case, they’d prefer to revel in each other’s company, keeping their bond devilishly secret, than have it picked apart by everyone else.
There was something precious about the night time. As soon as the front door of House’s apartment clicked shut, the restraints were loosened and ready to be removed. By morning, they’d untangle themselves from each other and crawl out of bed - ready for another day of awkward pretence.
By day, they stood feet apart, by night there was barely an inch between them - if Wilson had the Midas touch, House would be gold all over.