wahoo...survey time

May 13, 2006 21:53


1. Have you had a gf/bf? No

2. Have you had your birthday? Nope

3. Been to church? yep

4. Cried yet? but of course

5. Had someone close to you pass away? Yep

6. Pulled an all nighter? Did that one too

7. Drank starbucks? Always

8. Went shopping? girl's greatest pasttime

9. Been camping? No

10. Been to the beach? No, but maybe i'll find an apartment there or something one of these days

11. Bought something for over $200? Close, but not quite...I've definitely made purchases that went over 200 here and there, but not individual items

12. Met someone new? All the time

13. Been out of state? As often as I can

14. Visited a family member? Yeah, but not as much as I should

15. Gone snowboarding? No


1. Kissed someone? only cheeks

2. Slept in a friend's bed? No, but I did sleep on their futons

3. Snuck someone over? Hahaha....nope

4. Snuck out of your own house? again...don't really have to do that anymore, or rather, I never did it anyway...but still

5. Been to a bar? Yes

6. Lied? who doesn't

8. Went over on your cell phone bill? Not since daddy got us unlimited text messaging ;)

9. Been called a whore? HAHAHAHA....not SERIOUSLY...but there are a precious few people that can get away with that, with love of course...see Kyle's AIM profile...haha

10. Drove somewhere? Yeppers, I can't wait to see my Irish Rose again,yay car

11. Been away from home? Yep

12. Loved someone? always...


Thing you bought? Lunch at Au Bon Pain (ditto)

Person you hugged? Jeremy...

Person you talked to? myfreddie59

When was the last time you walked/ran over a mile? Gym on Wednesday...my gym schedule is sooo off...

Who was the last person who saw you cry? Michelle/Chrissy

Who was the last person who made you cry? Zack...RIP good buddy

Who was the last person who you watched a movie with you? one of the housemates I'm sure...we're going to have a movie night later this week too

Who did you last yell at? myself?

Who last told you they loved you? don't know...family members, Amanda, Ryan, Livi, Michelle, people...we tell each other we love each other all the time. You never know when you might not get the chance.

Who makes you smile most? that's a good question, Brian always makes me smile, but we don't get to talk terribly often. myfreddie59 is always good for a laugh though, friends in general always bring with them good times ;)

What are you listening to right now? The commercials between Grey's Anatomy awesomeness

What did you do yesterday? Woke up, spent nearly 4 hours on the phone with my parents, got my plane ticket home after finals, paid some bills, showered, went out with Matt for a late dinner and beer at the Avenue (breakfast all day and beer = awesome)

Do you think your ex misses you? The most recent one, as a friend maybe :), hehe...but I'm pretty sure he's perfectly happy with his new wife. We're all still friends, I miss them too, but not in that way ;)


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