I know generalizations are bad to begin with, but what's with so many Republicans down south [of the Canadian border] being so ANGRY and irrational? Between all the talk of Obama being a "terrorist" and angry mobs at Republican rallies to ridiculous stuff like
this ... wow.
I think a lot of people on the right need to learn how to start thinking more critically for themselves, rather than listening to every word from talking heads like Rush as if it's gospel. I'm really hoping that if the election turns against the current party in power, the GOP takes a good, long and hard look at itself. I think some changes are in order and I hope they can pull themselves out of the religious nutjob they're currently in. There are some conservative issues with which I agree, but I certainly cannot support a party that's beholden to religious wackjobs and corporate greed.
I also hope this economic crisis leads to public opinion being more critical of the power corporations have and hold them to a much higher standard of responsibility. Unfortunately, nearly all industries have proven time and time again that they're going to try to get away with whatever they can, responsibility and anything but profits be damned. Repeat after me: continuously increasing profits are NOT sustainable! You're forgetting important things like investing in long-term capital like employees and infrastructure. An excellent example could be the ISPs ... what, you don't have enough bandwidth? Then you're not investing enough into your infrastructure. Don't offer "unlimited" packages unless you can, yanno, provide it.
Wow this post is all over the place ...