Jul 25, 2007 20:23
Well, I now have a job. At Borders. It starts out as a cafe seller, but there are also two supervisor positions open that I'm being considered for. They want to work with me a little bit first and see where I'd fit the best. This week is crazy because it's training 9-6 Mon-Fri. (Today and yesterday I started at 8.) They're switching over from Cafe Borders to Seattle's Best Coffee, so there's a corporate trainer there this week and next, helping everyone learn the new ways of doing things. It's actually really cool because I got a whole history/science lesson on coffee and tea...like did you know that a small cup (8 oz.) of drip coffee has more caffeine than a shot of espresso? (Also, I've had a LOT of coffee the past two days. I'll be hyper for a month.)
I also went to Montana last week. Luckily, Heather was able to come with me on short notice - I found out Tuesday that I'd be going. Left on Wednesday morning, around 8:30 or so, taking Nancy (my little parrot) and Rory (Heather's little dog) with us. Got a phone call on the way there offering me the job at Borders. Got to Missoula on Thursday around 7 pm. Factor in the time change and that's 36 hours in the car. Crashed around midnight or a little later. Got up at 8, got ready, went to get a tarp, went and got my stuff...
Now getting my stuff was the real workout here. We loaded all of my books into the truck, lugging them up the stairs from the basement. Then we drove the truck over to Tom's, unloaded all of the books, took them downstairs to his apartment so I could go through them and get rid of more, went back to the house, brought the rest of my stuff back up, went back to Tom's, brought the books up and loaded the truck the rest of the way.
Later, we went to get food at the Good Food Store, for a walk by Harper's Bridge with Brittany so that Heather could get some pictures, then for a walk by the river in town, then back to Tom's where we hung out for a while. It was too hot to sleep well, so at 2:30, Cory had gotten home and I was texting him and decided to try Sam again. I was frustrated with him at this point because he hadn't called me back the night before like he said he would, and he hadn't called me that night after his date. Well, apparently the date (which turned into a group outing) had just ended, so we went for a walk by the river and through town. For three hours. I got back to Tom's as the sun was rising. Slept until 9:00. Got up, went to breakfast with Cory and Heather, went back, loaded the suitcases into the truck, went and spent another hour with Sam, said goodbye to people, then left Missoula.
We drove straight through. I didn't sleep (really) until 5:30, when I pulled off and took a half hour nap. I talked to Sam for a while at around 1 or 2 as we went through Wyoming. It was annoying because my signal kept blipping so I had to constantly call him back. But it was nice. He gave me some clearer insights on where I stand with him, friendship-wise. I am a "close friend," a "confidant." He has trusted me with things in two instances where he has trusted only one other person. And he likes the fact that if he's feeling sad, he can be sad. He doesn't have to wear a mask around me. I told him that all I ask from him is honesty, and that means that he should be himself around me. And he is.
He's opening up to me... And I really do trust that he's going to be around, going to really care, for a long time. Which is new for me. I haven't trusted anyone to really care and stick around in years. Anyone new, that is. JAST is not part of that.
Well, I should get to bed. Another long day at work tomorrow. Erin, I promise you'll get the rest of the info on Sam soon. I think I may post again tomorrow night...