Apr 07, 2006 15:30
Well, I have no goat, and no violin at the moment, but I'm very close to being happy. I'm no longer sad if that helps. I'm edgy and am longing for something I cannot name or really even describe, but this past week I've actually had a couple of moments when I was truly content.
They didn't last long, but they were there. That's more than I can say for the past couple of months. I need to find my path, find a new job, find where I belong...
Mom, I know you hate this phrase, and I really do not like it (not only because it's such a cliché), but it's fitting. I need to follow my bliss. I need to do what makes me happy, mainly because doing what makes you unhappy is...well...stupid. If what you are doing drags your soul down, drains you of all the light and joy that can come with life, STOP DOING IT. It's common sense.
To quote a book title, "I don't know what I want, but I know it's not this." I feel like I'm getting closer to finding what it is that I want, though. I'm at least facing the right direction, if not on the right path.
After talking with Allison for two hours last night, I've decided not to move to Texas. (Yes, I had the brief idea of doing so.) Illinois is up in the air. Who knows, if I find what I'm looking for here, I may stay. I hate being so undecided and flighty, but I'm searching for myself here. Please bear with my ramblings and ever-changing mind as I go through this process. If you can't, *shrugs*...oh well.