Oct 06, 2005 20:53
I'm here. I'm staying with a nice Baha'i family for the moment. It's a welcome change from the motel-from-hell. (My roommate situation fell through. Apparently, she decided she didn't want a roommmate after all and waited until I'd gotten out here to tell me.)
So...I am apartment hunting on my days off.
Work is good. Busy, but good. I get to pierce people's ears. And the funny part is that the guys are more scared than the 5 year-old girls. Statistically, they're the ones who pass out afterwards. Go figure.
I don't have a phone as of yet. I get no service out here and only check my messages every couple of days. I will post my phone number in a friends only post when I get it. (Hopefully this weekend or something.)
That's all for now.
My icon seems remarkably fitting now...