The past few years...

May 12, 2005 08:34

My life since 2000 (especially from 2002 on) has alternately royally sucked and totally rocked.

But I'm just going to re-cap the suckage here because I feel that there are a few people I consider friends who don't understand why I have my quiet, withdrawn, sad days. And they need to. (JAST can stop reading now. This doesn't apply to you guys.)

1) My parents divorced. After 20 years of marriage.

2) My aunt (one I was close to) died of leukemia.

3) My grandfather died of M.S. And I didn't get to say good-bye.

4) My grandmother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. (This was on Mother's day. This last one.)

5) I fell in love and got my heart shattered.

6) My best friend in the world died in my arms. Yes, she was a dog. Your point?

7) I had to put down my cat instead of finding treatment for her illness because my mom was getting re-married and my step-dad was allergic. (Why bother treating an old cat you're just gonna give away, right?)

8) My sister lied to me and attempted to ruin her life. She's succeeding pretty well.

9) My brother joined the Air Force and got sent to freaking SOUTH KOREA.

And all of this was dumped on me, a person who suffers from depression and even resorted to cutting once upon a time, recently.

The last few things you should know if you consider me a friend -

1) I have days when I don't want to talk. It's not you. Really.

2) Do not guilt me or insult me. You will lose me.

3) Do not, I repeat, DO NOT LIE TO ME. You will not be forgiven, and you will never be trusted again. I also count discussing problems you have with me with everyone BUT me in this category. Or refusing to listen when I try to talk to you about issues I have with you. These actions all show a lack of respect for me and a lack of interest in our "friendship." I will still talk with you, still hang out with you, but I will not trust you and will not be as invested in our friendship as before.

That's all for now.
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