||| I stand speechless in Your grace |||

Feb 01, 2005 22:13

I know I'm not perfect. I never will be. I am thankful for grace...I fall so short of it. Yet at the same time I feel so completed. It's the strangest thing. I can barely describe it. I love that in the act of doing something I shouldn't I am thinking in my head, "Jennifer, what the heck are you doing, you know better"...so I just push that little voice aside and say, "I hear you, but I don't care". Oh, we humans are such silly creatures. Always seeking what we want rather than what is best. At the end of the road we look back and think, "wow I wish I would have listened to that little voice". I refuse to look back and think that. I don't believe in regret. I regret nothing. Everything has been a learning experience and has made me strong. Would I have liked to gain strength in a less painful manor? Of course. But I wouldn't have known the full extent of grace, forgiveness, and endurance without pain. Nothing but good comes from pain...but only if we allow it. I am learning so much. Everyday I get hit in the face with another lesson. This is all preperation for what is to come. I have no doubts that what is to come will be better than I could have ever prayed for. From time to time I catch a glimpse and it takes my breath away.