Dr. Who Crafty community!

Oct 24, 2007 12:48

Yea for Crafty Tardis -- crafty_tardis!

Even though I've been doing the Star Wars Craft Projects for starwars.com for a few years now, I have to admit I've been a die-hard fan of Dr. Who longer than Star Wars. *gasp*

It was the only sci-fi show on PBS we could get living in the middle of nowhere in Kansas, and it started my life-long fascination with all things sci-fi AND British. Tom Baker was my childhood crush long before Duran Duran! ;-)

So I'm so glad that I can combine my craft skills with my love for Dr. Who thanks to the Crafty Tardis LJ community! I am soooo making a Dalek pinata and a cardboard K-9!


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