Move Complete -- whew

Feb 21, 2007 10:37

The past 4 days have been a blur of cardboard boxes, packing tape, endless amount of stuff, and more dust I think any human should ever inhale. Now I remember why I really hate moving. But at least I got rid of a lot of things I don't need. In fact, I should probably get rid of even more clothes and books, and trinkets on eBay to see if I can at least make some extra dough for rent! (I'm gonna need it.)

Unfortunately during the fiasco of moving, I got one of the worst colds I've ever had. My sinuses were completely conjested, my body ached, my head was throbbing and my limbs all wobbly. When I should have been filled with gusto to get my move in gear, all I wanted to do was sit in a hot shower and try to breathe again. But that wasn't an option, so made a beeline for Walgreens and stocked up on vapor rub, theraflu drinks, musinex, Advil PM, Breath Easy strips, mineral water, vitamin water and about 8 boxes of Kleenex with lotion. Though the cute boy at my new grocery store swears he gets over colds simply by going on a whiskey bender. And as much fun as that sounded, I realized that trying to pack while wasted might be a bad plan.

Luckily I had Monday off -- which meant that was reserved for cleaning the old pad in the Mission. After taking Sophie for an extra-long walk, I headed back over to the old place with more cleaning supplies I knew what to do with it -- one of them being a toilet bowl cleaner, I couldn't even get open! Oh and by the way, that Mr. Clean Magic Eraser pad is a rip-off. The only thing magic about it is that it falls apart as soon as you try to scrub up the tub.

I started in the kitchen which seemed to take forever, and since my Swiffer decided to retire early, I had to get on my hands and knees and scrub the floor. At least all those chemicals helped to temporarily clear my sinuses for the next 7 hours. Yup, it took 7 glorious hours to clean that apartment from top to bottom. Mind you, two hours was spent scraping off the large Wallies horse decals that were advertised to come off easly with soapy water according to their FAQ. Uh, not so much. It was stuck on my bathroom walls like real wallpaper. Even Goo Be Gone gell didn't make it come off. So I had to scrape it carefully off, bit by little bit with a screwdriver, hoping to God that I didn't scratch the paint off the wall.

And even though I was cursing Wallies (and yes I will be writing them an angry letter) at least I got it all off and was finally done. I scrubbed the floors, vacuumed, dusted, cleaned all the baseboards, scrubbed the toilet and bathtub, cleaned the fridge, and wiped the windows. And left the keys. Goodbye old flat. I lived there for 3 years all by myself. And in lots of ways, I'll kind of miss it. But on to today...with my pup!

I'm in the new place, which doesn't really seem that new since I've dogsat there for Sophie for 2 years now. But with all my stuff in there it sure seems new, and it takes some getting used to. I know Sophie is happy I'm there, because now she gets attention ALL the time. But for me, it's weird. I'm excited and anxious at the same time. But I'm going to make this work and soon enough it will be Bonnie-tastic.

I remember when I first moved into my old flat. The noise was unnerving (kids partying in the park next door, noisy neighbors downstairs, traffic horns and firetruck sirens). I missed my dog. I missed my old life in Santa Cruz. I missed my friends. And dang it, my new tub didn't have a plug so I couldn't even take a soothing bubble bath. I called one of my friends at the time and cried to her on the phone for a good hour. What else could I do? I felt like my life was a mess and I had just made it a lot worse! I was a stress basket to say the least. But eventually I got used to the noise, and my life started to come together.

This time around, I have a bigger place and my dog back. I'm in a cooler hood and I'm already somewhat used to being there all the time. So even with the newness and the stress of getting unpacked and the place in order -- I can't wait to make this a real home I can be proud of.

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