Just in time for "Hal-entine's Day -- I chat with comedian and actor Hal Sparks about his favorite Star Wars memories, building Hoth landscapes in the backyard, Sith Lord laundry tasks and why Darth Vader will never be his hero in the latest interview for the
Star Wars Rocks series on the official Lucasfilm site starwars.com.
Here's a short snippet:
"I recall one afternoon building an entire landscape of Hoth with a crashed snowspeeder, my Millennium Falcon landing on it and all the Star Wars characters running around a tauntaun that had fallen on its side," Sparks continues. "I used all the baking soda in the house to make the snow -- four boxes worth. So when my mom came home to make cookies for a church function and discovered I used a key ingredient to do it, I obviously got into some trouble over that. But it was worth it because it looked awesome."
Watching the films as much as Sparks has, most people might think his favorite scene would be an epic battle, or the dire moment when Han Solo is sinking in carbonite. They'd be wrong. "I love the scene where Yoda eats his food stick and for a moment you are wondering what exactly he's eating," Sparks says. "Because of that I thought in the future all we'd eat would be candy bars. And so I'm a firm believer that while Star Trek is probably responsible for cell phones, Star Wars is most certainly responsible for Power Bars."
"I always wondered which one of the stormtroopers did Darth Vader's laundry," Sparks laughs. "Now that I think about it, it was probably one of the Royal Guards since they're his own personal attachés. Plus they probably know how to properly separate colors from whites since they wear those bright red robes. Could you imagine if they got one of their robes mixed in with Vader's robes? 'Why is everything purple?!' Now that would be worthy of a Force choke!"
Read the full interview here:
Hal Sparks: Vader's a Jerk