Aug 25, 2003 01:07
1:00am 08/23 I come home, and I kept getting asked if I want Dorms, or want to be basicly sent off to Coprus and live in the dorms there..i get upset..I don't want to be put in dorms..I am getting married.
1:11am Everyne in the house is up, and i'm being told how i' moving to fast with my fiancee, and that I shouldn't marry him for the sake of getting away from them. I cry/and yell till I'm blue in the face..I call my friend, and talk to him, and leave. I sleep on the couch and refuse to talk to my mother.
Next Day-
I come home, and my mother is crying her eyes out. Grandmother is furious, and we get told the evil realtives "conviently" now have a friend with my fiancee's last name, and now they are scared of him. They still have it in thier heads that all I want is to get away from them, and in turn by marrying Matt thats what they think I am doing. I yell, scream, and fuss thats not it, and they continue.
ok, I'm 21 years old. I am in no way confined to my parents ruling anymore. I should not have to be told when I should, or should not get married, be it to soon , or not. I grabbed my bags to leave, and got my fiancee to help me. My grandmother knocked the bags out of his hand and told him he was nothing but a trouble maker, and to get out of the house, and not come back.(I wasn't even going to stay with him. I wanted to stay with a that point they scared me..Matt has never done ANYTHING to them to deserve that...)
Anyway..we talked to the preacher, and he understands us a little..I think what my parents are doing is not cool..just not cool..They shouldn't scream, and yell, and fuss about me leaving, or wanting to get married sooner then they would like to. I am an adult, and I'm entitled to make my own decisions. I should not be told I should hold off because I might be making a big mistake I might regret for the rest of my life. You know what? I don't think so, and I really don't think I am. I love Matt, and thats that. They need to quit lieing to me...and no I haven't told the whole story here..I don't want to..I'm emotionally tired, hurt, and scared that my mother, and grandmother pulled what they did today, and they made me feel bad about it. I don't wish anything ill of them. AllI'm asking is that they let me be happy..I don't want this eleberate wedding thier wanting to give me, and that I should wait till they have money to buy all these big expensive wedding things that I just don't need. All I wanted is somethign simple...not a big hoo-hah and all that jazz because it's God, and people that make the wedding, and it's like our pastor said..a wedding is a cermony ornate by God..and all that..I cna't go into exact words but hopefully some of you know what I'm trying to say......I dunno..I dunno what to do..I'm at home..and I'm scared..I don't want to be attacked, or hurt.....and I'm really scared of that happening...even though everyone in the household looks ok..and seems alright right now...I've learnt one thing..Looks can be deceiving, and sometimes they are....