As it probably will be obvious by now for people who know me a little bit, I have no live ;-) Or at least, not for now..
Since I came back from the US last Tuesday, I've done nothing else then reading/writing fanfic, making icons and keeping myself alive. Hehe.. Pathetic isn't it?
Not having a job yet did give me a bit time to do some things in the house, what was needed!! I cleaned out some drawers the other day and I found a couple of guilders... They must have been lying there for years! (We got the Euro in 2001 I think). Relax, it's not that disgusting as it looks like. I've been needing them on the barn until about 2 or 3 years ago. Plus, they were under a huge pile of other stuff, so I just haven't seen the bottom of the thing in ages :p
It will be better though; I have a job interview on Monday, so we'll see how that goes..
Anyway, Here are some teasers:
Ow, and you'll find 3 icons on the bottom that might not belong in between the others. I made them in loving memory of Timmetie (Timothy will do too ;-)). He has been my best friend and so much more for over too years. It broke my heart when I had to sell him, not because I didn't had the money to keep him anymore, but because he's had a pretty tough life for a buddy his age. Thereby, the possibility exists I might have not been alive anymore if it wasn't for him.
A couple of days before I went to the US, I got a call from the girl I sold him to that it wasn't going well with him at all. I gave her the info she needed for the vet and cried myself to sleep (yeah I'm a softy when it comes to my (ex) horses). I told myself I would call her when I would arrive in the US, then I told myself I would call her the next day, and the next, and the next....
It's been six weeks now, and I still haven't called. I want to know how he is, but I don't want to know he didn't make it.. I have a really hard time with all this, every time he slips into my mind, I have all these mixed feelings.. If he would have been better if I hadn't sold him, if it was my fault in the first place... He should turn 7 next month, he's just too damn young...
Sorry guys, for annoying you with this.. but I really had to get it off my chest.
Grab what you want, please credit ;-)