07:04:59: Currently playing on Bonnie's internal radio: "Into the Night" by Benny Mardones. #IfICouldFlyIdPickYouUp
07:08:01: Thanks! You have a good day too! RT @ shaydee5 @Blondoid Ugh! Sounds like you had a rough one last nite. Hope it's better today.
07:15:34: It was sung at Karaoke. Theme: Flirty Songs RT @ heidela @Blondoid I used to love that song. Then I had twin girls... who will be 16 someday.
07:32:51: Not rolling solo on 732 this morning. YAY! i have @ CubbiMew with me again! Huzzah! #LIRR #ExclamationPoints!!!!
07:34:57: @ heidela Completely understandible RT @Blondoid I know it's still a great song... it just gives me the willies now.
08:19:04: Heading into Bklyn this morning to see my friend Charlie & have breakfast at Provence, a French Bistro in Carroll Gardens.
11:39:24: Too.Many.Stairs. Hey #MTA, be kind and add escolators to the stairs btwn the EFMR platforms and the 7 platform @ Roosevelt Av (74th & Bway)
11:42:08: I just burned off my French Toast climbing those stairs! #MTA
15:02:29: Currently playing on Bonnie's internal radio: "Hungry Eyes" by Eric Carman.
15:04:25: Ooh! I do I do!! Pick me! RT @ heidela Who wants to skip with me to the bus stop?