Well, I came home early because I feel like crap. 'Nuff said about that.
I never thought I would care whether soaps existed or not, having "seen it all" when I watched as a child and teenager, until I discovered the gay storyline of Luke and Noah on "As the World Turns." It intrigued me, and well, why watch one cute guy when you can watch two, right? Anyway, once I discovered the acting talents of Van Hansis and Jake Silbermann (who has improved immensely since he started), I couldn't stop watching, in spite of the frustrating lack of a decent storyline more often than not, and the wasting of their talents with too little air time.
Of course, these days, when the actual story doesn't do it for you, there's always fanfic. The staff writers of ATWT could take a lesson from some of these people.
Remember the awful writer's-strike-butchered Ameera storyline? Well, here's how it should have gone.
Drowning This is written first person from Noah's point of view. A major angst-fest (RL angst sucks, but fictional angst rocks my world.). This is sixteen chapters long, but well worth the read. And index to the subsequent chapters is on the left.
BTW, this says it's rated "PG," but if it were a film, it would be rated R for language.