Mar 22, 2008 16:27
What is it about me and Holy Week? I can recall several years where I've been sick during Holy Week. I've had colds, thing or another wants to get me down.
This year, I've been hit with a triple whammy: the curse, a stomach virus, and a migraine. Bleah.
Having a potent virus can be dangerous when you're a type 1 diabetic on top of it. I don't need a thermometer to tell if I have a fever. Wednesday morning's sugar readings in the 400's say it all. I managed with diligence to get the readings into the upper 200's by evening (Normal is around 100.). Though my sugar has been in the normal range since Thursday evening, other effects linger. This is not a one day bug, unfortunately.
I only worked one day this week.
What good came of it? I finished reading Jane Eyre. ;) Many "experts" refer to Mr. Rochester as a byronic hero, but after reading Jane's thoughts, I believe St. John was more byronic than Rochester. He was scary in his ambition. I think he needed to read I Corinthians chapter 13 again, 'cause he missed something important there. A clanging cymbal, that one.
mr. rochester,
jane eyre,
health or lack thereof