Mom was wondering if I’m still alive, so I guess that means it’s time to post something. ;)
I left the church meeting early last week, and was told that it went downhill after that. I’m glad I didn’t’ stay. I’ve lost an alto in my choir over this; whether temporarily or permanently, time will tell. Meanwhile, my organist is all abuzz in gossip and speculating about this and that. *rolls eyes*
I hate that sort of thing, local gossip, or even worse, national news. News people spend a lot of time speculating. The less they know, the more they speculate. Just shut up until you actually know something, would ya? That would be refreshing. Of course, there’s lots of speculation now with the presidential race. I find myself listening to the news much less these days. I just can’t stand it.
I’m still immersed in
belluthien has reached the halfway point. She is going back through and refining. I’m adding my two cents here and there. I feel another micro-edit coming on. ;)
School started this week. The day class is a computer course, and I have the software to do it here, so I won’t have to use their computers that take twenty minutes to boot up. It will be more like an Internet course. I miss the interaction, but I will also miss less work and use less gas. The evening class is Business Leadership. There will be lots of interaction there, so that makes up for the other one.
I met a rough looking guy - bald, tattos on both arms - who collects paperweights. I love people who don't fit stereotypes. ;)
Other than that, I'm just hybernating while I wait for spring. Several of you on my f-list live in the south. I've seen several postings about you getting snow and how excited you are. It's not nearly as exciting when it happens here. ;D