Yes, This Is a Few Days Late

May 13, 2012 20:16

I told a few local friends I would be posting this on Thursday evening, and I am just getting to it now. Life happens.

Anyway, Adam Lambert's new album comes out this Tuesday - Mine has shipped already! Meanwhile you can stream it HERE. I can't wait until I can play this in my car and sing at the top of my lungs!

Rolling Stone and several others have given it great reviews!

And now, a more recent interview. And look! A woman who can sit next to him and not flirt or constantly touch him (You'd be amazed how much it happens. It's both pathetic and creepy. In one interview, if the woman had been sitting any closer, she'd have been on his lap!). This woman talks more as a sister or a friend. The interview is conversational, rather than one-sided, which isn't always enjoyable, but in this case, it is.

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singing, trespassing, music, rolling stone, adam lambert

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