If you haven't watched
This was so marvelously done. It weaves testimony from the Proposition 8 trial with personal stories and reinactments of TV interviews. Periodically, a "Yes on 8" commercial plays, showing the fearmongering employed by the Prop 8 proponents. There is humor and tragedy woven throughout.
Some of the laughs come naturally from the transcripts themselves, including comments by Judge Vaughn Walker, whom I'd heard has a rather dry, sarcastic sense of humor.
Best ironic casting: Jane Lynch as Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage. Runner up: George Takei as Prop 8 proponent Dr. William Tam
David Boise was probably rather pleased to be played by the very handsome George Clooney.
Most heart-wrenching portrayal: Chris Colfer as a young man who was forced into "reparative therapy" by his parents.