Imagine There's No Heaven

Jan 30, 2012 22:01

John 3:16 is the essence of Christianity. But I no longer believe it.

In my quest to better understand the Bible, I’ve become completely disillusioned with it. I’ve seen it manipulated and twisted to justify discrimination, and I’ve seen it interpreted to justify helping people. How, then, is it a useful guide? Imagine no religion. Would there still be discrimination and people helping other people? I believe there would.

So which comes first: the belief or the interpretation? I can no longer see a clear answer to that question. And it no longer matters to me.

The only thing I am pretty sure of is this: my beliefs will not be structured by any organized religion again.

I no longer believe in an angry God, a God to be feared, who needed the sacrifice of his son to quell his anger.

I no longer believe everyone must hear the gospel in order to be “saved.”

I no longer believe in the traditional concepts of heaven and hell.

I don’t believe Christians - or any other religion - should use their political influence to push their “moral codes” into civil law.

I believe in the human spirit. I believe in a greater Spirit, as well, though I am not clear on what that means. Right now, I do not need to know.

I believe in love.

I believe that in every people, every religion, and every form of government, there are those doing harm and those doing good. Because good and bad exist as an integral part of all humanity. We all choose which path we will take every moment.

I do not begrudge you the right to believe as you do. Will I judge? Yes, but I will judge you as Dr. Martin Luther King did: on the content of YOUR character.

god, religion, love, bible

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