What a great article. Thank you, Bonnie. I didn't have any problems with the epilogue and thought it was sweet and gave some closure. Of course, one wants to know more, but that will happen when the encyclopedia comes out.
I liked her example of how bad it could have been:
"Then Harry turned to Hermione and said, 'So, how are things in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement? We're really revolutionizing things over in the Auror Department! And have you had a letter from Luna recently? Wonder if she found those Blibbering Humdingers in Bolivia, ho ho ho!'"
Comments 6
"Then Harry turned to Hermione and said, 'So, how are things in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement? We're really revolutionizing things over in the Auror Department! And have you had a letter from Luna recently? Wonder if she found those Blibbering Humdingers in Bolivia, ho ho ho!'"
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