I was on Facebook and heard the news through my friends. How fitting!
My initial reaction was one of disbelief. It was just status posts. For all I knew, it could be a rumor. Then someone linked ABC News coverage.
So it appeared to be true.
I spent a few minutes looking through reactions, and shared the most sarcastic ones I could find:
Comment on Freedom Fighters for Equality "Tea Party won't believe it until White House produces long form of Bin Laden's death certificate." LOL
"African-American D.C. man confesses to killing elderly disabled man"--FOX News
[My own comment:] I'm waiting for Trump to take credit for this.
Hearing this morning about the flash mobs in D.C. and ground zero celebrating gave me pause, but I realize that Bin Ladin was THE face of those attacks on 911. So, I'm not upset about it. My own reaction was just as irreverent.
Mostly, I just feel like the country exhaled. I feel a sense of closure, even if it's not really.
Looking at all that has happened since 911 and all that will happen tomorrow and beyond, this is the thing that needed to happen above everything else.