NYC Part 2

Feb 28, 2011 22:15

It snowed overnight, and Monday became a day of hibernating in the hotel for most of the day, which I didn’t really mind. K, D, & I went down to have a late breakfast in the hotel. D had some work to do, so he went back to his room afterwards, while K and I talked about watching a movie in my room. I told him I’d brought the DVD from the Boston event, just in case, and yes, he wanted to watch that. I cranked the sound all the way up on my humble laptop, but it was still hard to hear at times. I repeated some of the quieter parts for K’s benefit, since I’ve watched this more times than I care to admit. ;)

After that was over, K and I just talked. If I had a fourth brother, it would be him. We talked a lot about the gay rights movement - how much has changed in a these last few years, and how much still needs to change. We talked about our families and friends. We talked about health because he is a doctor, and it’s something he thinks about whether he’s at work or not. It’s one way he shows his love for the people in his life. (My sugar ran high most of this weekend, but I think I’ve figured out what happened, so I can prevent it in the future.)

We had made plans to meet with Angela and Jill for dinner. They came to my room to change out of their warm clothes and into some very pretty dresses. K seemed surprised that they got so dolled up; I was not surprised at all. ;) My own attire was a step above jeans - much more casual and practical. I rarely wear dresses, and certainly not in this weather. I forget which one of the girls borrowed a nail file from me, but I imagine she was glad I was carrying my everything-but-the-kitchen-sink purse in contrast to the tiny bags they had. ;)

Listening to Angela and Jill, K commented that he’d forgotten how chatty girls are. Then he looked at me and seemed to remember that I’m a girl, too. ;) “You’re not like that,” he observed. Maybe it comes from having no sisters and three brothers. More likely it’s because my mom’s “not like that,” either. I don’t come from “girly-girl” stock, and I’m OK with that.

We went to Applebee’s for dinner, because we could do this without leaving the hotel. Then we took a cab to the Tribeca Grand Hotel for the “STUFFER” screening.

We were directed to go downstairs, where we were met with a variety of people - dressed up, dressed down, artsy, conservative. Jake Silbermann hadn’t posted anything on his Facebook page about this screening, and none of us did, either. No one asked who we were, or for proof that we belonged there. I guess since it had been kept under wraps, they felt there was no need to screen anyone. Soon Jake and Nathan Crooker, the director, came out and started greeting people. I mentioned to Jake that I’d seen him at the luncheon last year. Whether he actually remembers me, I’m not sure.

Jake was wearing a navy suit, which fit him very closely, and no tie. He is absolutely gorgeous. But it’s funny, both K and I thought he seemed smaller than his 6’1” (or 6’2”, depending on whom you ask) height. K is 6’1” also, and seemed taller.

The film was absolutely amazing and expertly filmed. The ending is ambiguous - it could go a number of different directions from where it leaves off. I wanted to know what happens next.

And let’s just say I now understand why the promo picture shows Rose with her hands over her mouth. ;)

K was disappointed in one thing: They got his name wrong. The price you pay for having too many aliases, I guess (No, they didn’t use “Troy Tempest”).

After the screening, there was supposed to be a Q&A session, but that never happened. We all just ended up sitting upstairs in the bar and talking.

K, D, Jill, Angela, and me.

I saw Jake last year at the ATWT luncheon and Nukeapalooza, and I’ve seen him on tape at events, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen him promoting something that is truly his. His enthusiasm and energy were off the charts. He came over and chatted with us about the full-length version of “STUFFER” he’s writing, and how his vision for that has changed. He also talked about other projects he’s interested in.

Meanwhile I met another fan named Kim, who didn’t seem to recognize my user name. Then I showed her a business card with my Galadriel icon, and she knew me immediately. ;) I kind of like the anonymity this gives me in the real world.

K & D left after it seemed apparent that there would be no Q&A, since they had to leave at an ungodly hour the next day. I stayed with Angela and Jill, but the place had cleaned out significantly, and they decided they wanted to leave shortly after.

Before we left, I got a chance to chat briefly with Danielle Camastra, the star of the film. We laughed about a moment in the story that I commented on. She is very beautiful and very tall. She was wearing heels, but still…

When Angela, Jill, and I got back to the hotel, I texted D, saying we were back early. After the girls left, K came back down to my room and we talked some more. Then we hugged goodbye until next time.

And there will definitely be a next time.

nyc, family, friends, jake silbermann, stuffer, troy tempest

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