queen_mamidala first alerted me to this. Five minutes after I saw it there,
Michelangelo Signorile was talking about it on his show.
Bioethics Forum: Preventing Homosexuality (and Uppity Women) in the Womb? What started as a legitimate trial of a drug to prevent a physical medical condition has turned into something else.
Users of this potentially dangerous drug are not being enrolled in "controlled clinical trials," including follow-up studies, which has raised red flags among the scientists' peers. Also, there is not clear evidence that patients given this drug are informed that it is experimental and possibly unsafe.
What most gays have said all along is that they were born that way; it wasn't a choice. Now, rogue scientists, against the recommendations of their peers, are experimenting with a steroid, to try to prevent at least female gays - and females with "documented behavioral masculinization."
Quote from the authors: "We think Nimkarn and New’s “paradigm for prenatal diagnosis and treatment” suggests a reason why activists for gay and lesbian rights should be wary of believing that claims for the innateness of homosexuality will lead to liberation. Evidence that homosexual orientation is inborn could, instead, very well lead to new means of pathologization and prevention, as it seems to be in the case we’ve been tracking.
"Needless to say, we do not think it reasonable or just to use medicine to try to prevent homosexual and bisexual orientations. Nor do we think it reasonable to use medicine to prevent uppity women, like the sort who might raise just these kinds of alarms. Consider that our declaration of our conflict of interest."
This experiment is trying to prevent more people like me: a straight woman who has never been interested in motherhood or in some of the stereotypical "heterosexual norms," as referred to in this study.
I rather like me this way, and I'm very grateful I was allowed to just be. I wish it was the case for everyone.