Forget this ever meant anything.
I feel that this is becoming a detriment to my own personal growth. Edification is my goal for now. I won't be able to love, to help, to understand if I'm not in my state of becoming. For all of you that can use this device for enlightenment, I recognize you. I don't give you the undeserved respect you so demand, and I refuse to acknowledge this vice as a long-term tool for myself. It's simply a short-term social microcosm. I hope the rest of you realize how destructive LiveJournal will eventually become. If you're using it as an excuse to write your personal thoughts down, why don't you just use word? Nobody needs to read what you think. There is something to be said for those who can resist vice. I'm sorry if you're bothered by this, but losing you won't change anything since none of you really have attached any value to me. Everything can be replaced with other fillers. I'm thankful for finally recognizing this as a vice. Grit your teeth and clench your fists, but never let anyone know anything about you. Sins wil be forgotten when everyone is looking the other way. The lukewarmness of moderation and security poisons the water you drink and the air you breathe.
You're all hypocrites. I'm sick of everyone pretending to be better than everyone else. By attacking those who feel superior, I too have been stained with self-righteousness-the pinnacle of hypocrisy. I too am to blame. Stop stealing everyone else's words. They don't belong to you.