Aug 25, 2006 00:36
Tonight, I am getting some sleep. I swear, I'm wrapping my hair up, putting on some slow, boring type of music, taking my pills, and curling up with my book. I'm muting the computer. there will be no tv. there will be no interruptions. anyone or thing who wakes me up before i get four hours of sleep is getting stabbed with a fork. I don't really think four hours is too much to ask, is it? Especially considering I probably have to deal with gene's mother tomorrow. I really thought I had the insomnia thing's ass kicked, but apparently, just enough to remind myself how good a real night's sleep feels before it's cruelly ripped away again. yeah, I know, waah.
Of course, If we'll notice, I'm not actually doing any of this, I'm sitting here writing about it, because I'm tired as hell, but not, in fact, sleepy. but I have organised my meds, and I've almost decided what to wrap my hair in-- I really need a good scarf for that, but I'm totally unwilling to go buy one. Okay, I've put this off long enough. yargh.