AN ENTIRE FUCKING DECADE AGO (I'm still soaking up the old here, y'all) after 12 hours of labor (4 of which was pushing) Jason Eugene entered the world face-up. The doctor lifted up this *giant* baby...who proceeded to shit all over me, thus setting the tone for our entire relationship.
He came into the world weighing 9 lbs, 3 oz. and was 23 in. long.
He's now about 140 lbs and 5' tall.
It has been a really hard year for him. Most adults never have a year so difficult, let alone 9 year-old boys. He's lost a lot of things that mattered to him and really struggled with his self-image and self-worth. He's also so bent on being a grown-up that sometimes he forgets that he's spent the last hour trying to convince me to let him curl up in my lap. He's so smart, and gets smarter all the time, even if not everyone sees it. He's an amazing kid, and I wouldn't trade him for another (no matter how tempting or easy it looks sometimes!).
I swear, for serious this time, this is the year I stop calling him the baby.
Also, I still don't get why I don't get a present. bad form, hallmark people.