Stop making such a big deal
Guys may be less vulnerable to emotional eating because they tend not to dwell on things. Women, on the other hand, can spend hours turning one small negative thought around in their minds, adding a few others, and whipping it all into critical mass, says Yale University researcher Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Ph.D., author of the new book Eating, Drinking, Overthinking. That's called rumination, and research suggests it can lead to depression, which itself can lead us directly to where we've hidden the Milano cookies.
Again, there's biology involved: In the brain, thoughts are linked in a network of associations, so I'm a fat pig lives on the same neural pathway as I'm a lousy cook and You're not going to amount to anything (that one's from your mother). Think about one and the others light up like an old-fashioned switchboard. Don't fall into the trap of using food to snap out of it. Instead, try this suggestion from Nolen-Hoeksema: Pick a word or phrase that makes you aware of what you're doing and helps you gain control (like Knock it off! or I won't let myself get sucked into this).
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