Player LJ:
vaultedthewall eMail: Exitmouse @
Other Contact: Nickname/Kels, AIM/RiceballTohru, GTalk/Same as E-mail, Other/Say my name three times in a mirror in a darkened room
Character&Fandom: BLU Scout / Team Fortress 2
About BLU Scout: "Basically, I'm kind of a big deal." ... at least in his own mind.
He's from Boston Massachusetts in the good ol' U.S.-o'-A. Him, his mama and seven older brothers lived in the Old Harbor Housing Project without a father to speak of. Mama said Dad died in the war, though it could have just been a lie to cover the fact that he walked out on them - that was pretty common back then.
Being the youngest of a bunch of violent little ruffians lead to a couple things - Scout got fast and quick, to avoid being pummeled as the runt of the litter. Being the 'baby' also lead him to be a bit of amomma's boy, though he'll punch you in the face for insinuating it (or talking bad about his mother). Speed wasn't just good for avoiding getting hit, he quickly found. It was also useful for being able to dive into the fray when his brothers were in a scuffle and still be able to get a few hits in before the fight was through (something almost impossible when you have to contend with seven other much bigger boys). He spent a lot of time in and out of "correctional facilities" for various petty crimes - minor theft, arson, destruction of public property and creating a disturbance. Usually the second two. When he finally hit sixteen he considered joining the military to get out of the neighborhood (he'd dropped out after Elementary School).
He had completed all of their tests, gotten his evaluation, and despite his poor grades when he DID go to school he showed a quick wit and high capacity for learning, even if he chose not to exercise it. Before he could sign up with the marines, however, he was contacted privately by Builders League United Inc. with a job offer. Private contract, protect their shit, the usual deal. More importantly though it paid much better, allowing him to send money home to support Mama so she could move out of the projects. All it required in extra was that he give up his name and swear secrecy and shit. Oh, and kill a few people from this opposing company. Though really, that should have been listed as a bonus.
BLU Scout is fast and precise, though he has the attention span of a caffeinated gerbil. He speaks passable Spanish and Chinese learned from his neighbors, though he usually doesn't let it get out. He learned early that other people not knowing that you're listening and can understand 'em was very useful.
He has as much tact as his baseball bat - affectionately called 'Sandman'. He loves soda, other sugary drinks, and baseball. He believes he is the most amazing thing in the history of ever, it's just a matter of time until everybody else sees that.