cucumbers and pretty girls

Jun 22, 2010 10:38

I got food poisoning on Friday morning, which destroyed me on Saturday and most of Sunday. I was better but wobbly these last two days.

Despite that, I still managed to go to the Shanghai Zoo to watch panda (10 of them!!!!) feeding time, go shopping on Qipu Road (4 dresses, 1 qipao, 2 mini-cardigans), get a manicure/pedicure/facial/fake eyelashes/massage -- all while feeling pretty queasy.

And I didn't vomit on anyone, so I consider myself pretty accomplished!

Going home today with my much heavier luggage.

But, the moral of the story: CONSTANT VIGILANCE, especially in foreign (developing?) countries. Not forgetting this anytime soon.

useful knowledge, travel, shopping, china

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