
Jul 01, 2009 18:46

I thought I! My! Me! Strawberry Eggs was an awful anime, but its ending theme is probably one of my favorite songs ever.

わたしは、と言えば あなたを想い
この街で 新しい風に吹かれて
叶えたい明日だけを見つめて 生きる

Speaking of me, I'm here in this town
feeling the breeze of a new wind, I think about you
while holding on to a few doubts and worries
I live on, looking only at the future that I want to create

In other news, I thought that the Japanese rail system was supposed to be perfectly logical. I still don't understand why it costs me 410 yen in the morning to go to work and only costs 390 to come home when I take the exact same route to and from. What?

I have the Yamapi an-an!! I was thinking about not buying and just reading it but yeah, tough luck, the cover picture........................ ♥

japan, yamashita tomohisa, lyrics, boys

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