[translation] march 2009 popolo

Jan 24, 2009 22:58

Akanishi Jin Anatomical Encyclopedia

Height and weight notwithstanding, we've even gathered analytical data about what goes on in his head! Update your Jin information with our 2009-version personal data!

Height: 176 cm
I don't remember too well, but even from when I was little I wasn't particularly tall or short, just average. I don't have any complaints about my present height, but I think that the taller the better. No specific reason (laugh). My ideal height? Umm, I wonder... maybe about 185 cm.

Inner Brain Pie Chart
10% interests/hobbies
10% health
20% work
20% family
40% friends

For me, the people who support me are more important than anything, that's why my friends and family take up the largest portions of space. The reason my friends have a large share is because there are more of them, but of course my family and friends are equally precious. It's because my private life is so fulfilled, that I can work like I do. So, interests are important, and lastly, health!

Vision: Right 1.5, Left 1.5
My vision has always been very good. This is definitely something to be grateful for. So, for me, glasses are a part of fashion. If you include the sunglasses I have, I probably have like 20 pairs... from simple designs to more flashy ones. I pick a pair each day according to my mood or what clothes I'm wearing.

There are a lot of foods I like, but what came to mind just now is probably fruits. I don't have any one favorite; I like all fruits. Also, there aren't many foods that I don't like to eat, either. I might have had some when I was little, but now I can eat just about everything.

Has anything made my heart pound recently....? I think there were quite a few things, but now that I'm trying to think of something, nothing's coming to mind~ Ah! This movie I watched recently was really good. The main character was a robot, but it had a really good message, and I think it was a very good movie. In my case, I'm quite often moved by films. [Wall-E for sure, right?]

My fashion changes every day, but generally I go with denim styles. I don't really follow trends or anything. To the very end, I wear things that I personally like or things that look good on me. Something I bought recently... a red checkered shirt. After one glance, I liked it, so I bought it right away (laugh).

My favorite part of my body is.... actually, my ankles (laugh). My ankles are pretty amazing! Even I look at them and think to myself, "What nice ankles~" What about them is so special? ...that's kind of hard to express in words. If you looked at them you'd understand, though (laugh). Well, if you get the chance please watch carefully.

Shoe size: 26.5 cm
In buying shoes, comfort and inspiration are of course important, but in the end I choose them on the basis of fashion. Context is also a consideration. For example, at black tie events when I have to wear a suit, I match my shoes. How many pairs of shoes do I have... sneakers, boots, leather shoes... putting them all together, I probably have over 20 pairs.

Weight: about 64kg
I don't think much about my weight at all.  There are people who weigh themselves regularly after bathing, but I'm not one of them. So I don't really know about the fluctuations in my weight. Plus, you can't really decide someone is fat just because of their weight, right? People with muscles are heavier than they look. So, it's not something I pay attention to.

Jin's senryuu poem:
本年も 今までどおり マイペース
honnen mo  imamade doori  maipeesu
(This year, at my own pace, just like before)

I'll be myself this year, too
I tried writing down my thoughts exactly (laugh). It's alway the same for me, but I don't particularly decide things like "I want to do this this year." I think it would be great to just go through the year as myself, at my own pace.

Taguchi x Nakamaru dialogue~ expose the group's secrets!!~

"The lost underwear incident was really hilarious, wasn't it?"

Taguchi and Nakamaru expose KAT-TUN's secret stories! Without telling the other members, they spoke to us about the back story that wasn't supposed to get out.

A scene in the showers during the tour?!

Taguchi: Do we have any real secrets at this point? ...hmm.
Nakamaru: Everyone in KAT-TUN is a really great person!
T: It would be bad if that was an unexpected fact about us, though (laugh).
N: Oh, right (laugh). Despite how he looks, Koki is a very gentle-hearted man who adores animals.
T: That's not that surprising anymore, is it?
N: True (bitter laugh).
T: Oh, KAT-TUN gets really heated up in the shower rooms!
N: That we do~!
T: During tours, the shower rooms get really loud. There's singing and beatboxing... or people talking really loudly.
N: Also, there's a guy that likes to pull open the curtains!
T: Right! Suddenly it gets a little cold and windy, and when you turn around, Koki is standing there (laugh).
N: Yeah, yeah. And then your underwear is gone, right?
T: Nakamaru-kun, the probability that your underwear is missing is pretty high, isn't it (laugh).
N: Well, the culprit is usually Koki. But, surprisingly, at times I suspect Koki it turns out to be Kame.
T: And, during these times, the only ones who are calm are Uepi and Akanishi-kun.
N: Right, usually they don't get involved (laugh).
T: In their own worlds. Uepi does push ups.
N: Yeah, he works out a lot.
T: It's always like being in some kind of club. Oh, now that I think of it, something interesting recently in the group is that you often see people cheering each other up, right? When someone is feeling down...
N: We've come a long way from what we used to be like...

First time with short hair since Johnny's!

T: An unexpected thing for Nakamaru-kun is your role in RESCUE~. I didn't think you would be part of a rescue team.
N: You're not alone (laugh). I have more muscles now than I ever have in my entire life, and my arms are really big. During filming, I have to do push ups and pull ups and carry heavy things... it's hard work.
T: Is there anything you've been thinking is unexpected recently?
N: Oh, there is! I cut my hair for the drama, right? I didn't expect short hair to be this easy!
T: I cut mine, too, so I know what you're talking about. Is this the first time your hair has been this short?
N: It's the first time since I entered Johnny's. Now I feel like I've gotten rid of some baggage from another life. It was a good opportunity.
T: Then, are you going to keep it short?
N: If I decide to prioritize easy-ness.
T: You're the funniest first thing in the morning.
N: Because I'm just like a regular junior high student (laugh). And, during the drama I'm not allowed to have my hair done like this... so whenever I look in the monitor at myself, I'm disappointed (laugh).
T: You know appearance aren't what's important (laugh).
N: I know that, but personally I want to look a little stylish (laugh)!
T: Well, in that regard as well, please watch over this new side of Nakamaru-kun in his upcoming drama! [I'm guessing that's how this sentence ends.. it gets cut off D:]

There's no stopping it! KAT-TUN's achievements round-table special!!
"Before debuting, we set a record of 11 shows in a day, remember?"

The last [in the KAT-TUN features for this issue] is a conversation with Kamenashi, Akanishi, Koki, and Ueda! They spoke of many "courageous stories" that came about from being a part of super popular group KAT-TUN! There were also some slightly embarrassing tales... (laugh)?!

Rewatching our concert DVD to check out our coolness!

Tanaka: Achievements, huh. There are so many I can't think of any (laugh).
Kamenashi: In the past we were just insufferably mischievous~
Akanishi: And we fought a lot.
Ueda: But even towards the things we used to rebel against, after years have passed, we've become able to accept them.
A: I guess we've grown up.
T: No, but we still have our childish parts. When we went to that deserted island for a photoshoot, I [I? we? who knows anymore] made a sand pit by the shore and Taguchi fell into it, remember? (laugh)
U: The moment he fell in, Taguchi turned so small (laugh).
T: Speaking of accomplishments, before we debuted we set that record of 11 performances in a day, too.
K: That's impossible now.
T: From about the sixth show, it was so difficult that my memories are all gone.
A: We were so tired we couldn't even talk in the dressing rooms...
K: I kind of miss those days.
U: When I re-watch our concert DVDs, I always realize anew that everyone looks really cool.
T: And everyone has their own charms. Kame is very idol-like, which I respect, and Akanishi is good at English and he's sexy, Taguchi likes to make bad puns, but that kind of comic relief is something KAT-TUN really needs. Ueda's songs are a genre I can't even sing, and you're artistic, writing your own music and lyrics. Nakamaru's beatboxing is amazing, and he's smart, too.
A: After all of your praise for everyone else, what about yourself?
T: Me? There's nothing, really.
U: That kind of Koki is...
A&K&U: So cool~!
T: ... (blush).

Working hard with 720% of our strength!

U: This is my own accomplishment, but I gained 4kg [over 8 pounds] in a day (laugh).
T&A&K: Wow~~!!
K: A long time ago, I did a backflip and the headband [katyusha?] I was wearing ended up stabbing my palm (laugh).
T&A&U: I remember that~
K: But, the place it poked was an extension of my lifeline, so in the end it made my lifeline longer (laugh).
T: That's really funny (laugh). Speaking of which, Akanishi, you said in a magazine that you donated money, didn't you?
A: Ah, yeah, at the convenience store.
U: Me too. On the streets people come up with boxes and ask for donations pretty often, right? I give them money a lot of those times.
T: Really?
U: I hesitate for a second sometimes, but I put money in.
K: Interesting.
U: But, the most legendary accomplishment is Akanishi's study abroad experience, isn't it?
A: Is it?
U: Coming back after doing what you wanted to do, and now you're here doing your best... I think that's really cool.
A: I don't think it's that big of a deal...
K: The things we do individually, during work or on our own, that are fulfilling... in the end serve to energize the group as a whole, it seems.
T: This year, if we can feed back the things we gained through our solos, it should add up to an amazing strength. If each person contributes 120%, all of us combined together is 720%.

Scans from kokoro_chi at this post.

If you download the scans, in Koki's section there are a bunch of pictures he took of the others, and there's one of sick Jin and he's adorable ♥~~~~

In Kame's section he does like a 7-day mini-blog, which basically ends up being I drank wine~☆♪ every day... XD;

akanishi jin, translations, kat-tun

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