nyt has captured the story of my life

Nov 01, 2008 11:32

This is exactly how I feel. Exactly.

Obama Is Up, and Fans Fear That Jinxes It

I'm glad that the trauma of 2000 and 2004 is not something that only I still obsess about constantly.

I especially love this part about "hidden racial animus":

“Minnesota?” Mr. Schrader told his friend. “What, are you kidding me? Obama's up 14 points there.”

The friend shook his head sadly. Take off seven points for hidden racial animus. Subtract another five for polling error. It is down to two points, and that is within the margin of error in sampling, and that could mean Mr. Obama might be behind.

“It was perversely impressive,” Mr. Schrader said.


“I just want reassurance; or is it a heads-up?” Ms. Serizawa said. “I’m cautiously, cautiously optimistic. Though I worry: Am I going to be hurt again?”

It makes this whole group of people (in which I wholeheartedly include myself) sound like really insecure/conspiracy theorizing nutjobs. I love it.

politics, elections

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