I have a really ridiculous amount of pictures from this summer. Ummmm, yeah. I'm going to put my parents through a really boring exciting play-by-play of pretty much every minute of my life in D.C. Mwahahaha.
Today I went camera happy in the State Department, Supreme Court, and U.S. Capitol. I also went to
Good Stuff Eatery, Top Chef contestant Spike Mendelsohn's D.C. burger place, for lunch.
Highlights from my never-ending photo albums:
State Department Diplomatic Reception rooms
State Department Diplomatic Reception rooms
Good Stuff Eatery
Spike is in this picture!
From the outside
The Supreme Court
I walked up the steps today!
The rotunda in the Capitol is the definition of breath-taking.
Statuary Hall/Old House of Representatives Chamber
Antonio Capellano(?)'s Washington
This is supposed to be the best likeness of George Washington.