Apr 22, 2008 00:28

Yesterday I volunteered all day for the Boston Marathon Pasta Party. Over 20+ trays of lasagna with herbed ricotta later, I am alive but sore and very sick of pasta. I did enjoy serving, though, although I feel as if I didn't come away with as much of a haul as I usually do. Well, I have a free adidas jacket now and a dozen Lindt truffles, so I suppose we can call it even.

Today I went out to cheer -- a little late, unfortunately -- for a little bit while the runners were thick, went to the picnic/BBQ, and went back at which point it had really slowed to a trickle. At some point during lunch, Lance Armstrong was running past Wellesley!!!! I am a little bummed that I missed this, but perhaps more sad that I didn't get up earlier! We stayed well past everyone else at the scream tunnel and were able to encourage a few of the really late stragglers. It was so cute how happy they were to see us and that we were still there for them. The Pasta Party & scream tunnel are possibly my favorite times of the year, and the only thing I can consider my own tradition ♥

FUZE was handing out promotional drinks at the barbeque, and I think I really like this Strawberry Guava drink! It may be my new obsession, if it's easy to get. I'm getting a little tired of VitaminWater XXX. I tried the Banana Colada and I kind of like that too.

I spent every day this weekend doing something! It was so much fun. Now I realize that there are only 16 more days until reading period starts, and it's hard to keep myself from hiding in a corner and crying. I have so much to do before I can go home. ;O;

I will probably end up dropping POL1 215, partly because it is crazy early, but also because I really want to take another MIT class and there's no need to kill myself by taking six classes during my last semester. I didn't try at all to make my Tuesdays and Fridays free... that just happened.

I talked to my mom about registration today and she told me again that she really just wants me to go to law school regardless of everything I've told her throughout the last year and a half about how I don't think it's right for me. My parents have given me a lot more space to be myself, I think, than others do, so I feel bad pushing back, but... I really don't like this strange way she has of pressuring me.

If I do decide I want to go to law school, the major thing is that I need not to become stupid so I can still get a decent LSAT score. XDD I did fairly well on the one I took in the fall with no preparation, but.... and I need to keep in contact with Professors who can write me recommendations. This is all in the future, I suppose, but still weighs me down to think about.

In short, I know I want to make the world better in some small way and I want to feel like I am succeeding in that goal. I think that this is possible in so many fields and in so many ways and I might not make the most money in the world but as long as I can fuel something like the kind of lifestyle I grew up with, I can be more than happy. I'm not convinced that I need law school to do this.

But I'm still conflicted. I want to work for the UN and the ICC and the State Department and I wonder if you can without many many intense degrees. I can't believe it's been almost a year and I'm still so close to square one on this decision.

Wellesley is beautiful in the spring!

food, camera happy, things that make me happy, schedules, boston, what am i going to do with my life?!, pretty shiny

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