quick drop-in before bed

Feb 19, 2008 01:44

I've fallen in love with moumoon's music this weekend ♥ (Discography is at music_envy~!)

I also spent about 8 hours in the last two days making origami earrings for our festival on Saturday. I have ingested way more nail polish fumes than is probably healthy. Need to eat more fish...?

Anyway, I love this song and the lyrics and it's very much where I want to be--

「片方のガラスの靴を 私はね、わざと落とした」
You know, I purposely dropped that other glass slipper

「曖昧な言葉より 私といる価値があると言って」
Rather than vaguenesses, tell me that there's worth in being with me

love, lines, japan club

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