Jun 15, 2007 18:59
I went to Shinjuku with Maki yesterday and we had lunch and went karaoke-ing. Today we passed the Johnnys shop and went to the unofficial ones in Takeshita-doori... I ended up buying another dozen photos (mostly Yamapi and Jin), a Jin poster, and a Tegoshi poster. Most of these purchases are entirely Maki`s fault.
OH OH I ALSO HELPED MORE JOHNNYS FANGIRLS FIND THE JOHNNYS SHOP. Fwahahaha. I think they heard Maki and I talking about the shop and came up to us in an unofficial store to ask where it was. I gave them my map and as they were leaving, they were like.. oh, I`m so glad we found really nice people!
I also got a cheap replica of Jin`s globe necklace. I think I might be possessed.
And, I managed to get good photos of the Proposal Daisaksuen ad in the Shibuya train station as well as a picture of the NewS TBC ad. Everyone looks at me SO WEIRDLY. What, have they never seen a crazed Johnny`s fan??
After Harajuku, I went to Shibuya to buy manga and doujinshi. I don`t think I bought that much but somehow ended up spending like 8000 yen mostly on doujinshi. They`re so thin ;~; and I always manage to forget that doujinshi is extremely hit or miss.... I hope I didn`t get anything crazy, like Jin is suddenly a dolphin and wants Kame to save him from the aquarium. (There was no PxJin!!! TEARS) From my past experiences with doujinshi, this kind of plotline is entirely possible and it would really be just my luck.
It`s supposed to be the rainy season, but it is crazy hot. I prefer the sun to rain, but still... I can`t walk two blocks without ending up covered in sweat. Ugh.
Tomorrow`s destination: Akihabara!
I finally understand the train lines enough to get myself to and from Tokyo with no problems. Only 11 more days left... ;o;
I came to the internet cafe mainly to see if a fanfic I was reading has been updated yet... XD;;; It`s not.. :(
yamashita tomohisa,
general flailing,
akanishi jin,
tegoshi yuuya,
kamenashi kazuya