Apr 21, 2007 12:41

Backup Plan #1 Comparative Politics course at UNLV 6/4 - 7/8ish

Backup Plan #2 Japanese Politics course at Sophia 7/27 - 8/17ish

On Monday, I am going to call the three places I haven't heard from yet to find out for sure.  I want the Dick Durbin internship really badly, but if I don't get it, I am almost more excited at the prospect of going to Japan for an actual reason.  (I also asked my mom to hint to her friend that I would really enjoy magazines now that Jin will be in them again.  Hee hee ♥)

The other Congressional office I applied to sent a letter to my house saying they didn't even have any openings for interns.  Then don't put an internship application on your website!  Stupid. 


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