and how do you feel? (day 60)

Sep 24, 2013 14:48

on the Pacific, and Acajutla in 2 days

We have been doing workshops with Kathleen Sullivan, an educator who works with military and nuclear issues in New York. In one yesterday, we talked about world issues and how we thought and felt about them. She went on to say how in society and education, thoughts are almost always prioritized and more highly valued, to the extent that we instill in young people a need to put a lid on their emotions. Overly emotional people are hard to get a handle on.

This echoed with me well, especially yesterday because it was one of those cry-at-anything days.

I find myself wanting to be logical, wanting to be rational and cool-headed at all times, but this is not really me, and I am often fighting my emotions.

This was interesting.

A funny question we answered during the workshop - if you had all the resources in the world and no limits, what would you do to solve the problems of the world? The problems of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant?

After interpreting for the second workshop I feel like an empty shell. This is happening more and more often. I did not sleep very much last night, and tonight, fuck tonight is going to be it I am holding a translation that he wants hostage I am going to say something regardless how contextually inappropriate it is. The way forward is to stop caring about the little things, yes I believe it.

politics, row row row your boat, boys

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