is it me???

Oct 30, 2012 19:22

I've cried twice at work in 3 business days. Maybe I'm stressed, maybe I'm emotional but I just can't keep it together when I'm this frustrated.

Crazy communication fail VP switched with my direct boss, CEO. I've never worked well with him because he is arrogant, self-centered and condescending but I have been tolerating him reasonably well.

Today he cut me off mid-question to ramble in a way useful to no one and when I called him on it, he called me inconsiderate and said, "This is not your meeting."

I don't even know anymore if I'm crazy and prideful/sensitive or if it's just him and it's stressing me out intensely. I don't know how to start, whether this is a valid complaint, or how to keep my temper in.

To sum up that meeting, 7 people wasted 40 minutes on old circuitous talk and 1 person learned something we already knew. He called it a success.

work, anger

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