Minamiboso welcomes you

Mar 10, 2012 21:03

I went strawberry-picking on a Hato bus tour in Chiba today! It's the season and it was kind of rainy and cold, but it was really fun and full of fooooooood.

We drove to Chiba via the Aqua line (really cool!) which goes under Tokyo bay to connect Kanagawa and Chiba. Lighter lunch, lots of specialty product/vegetable stores, eating nanoha things!, 30 minutes of all-you-can-eat strawberries, more shopping/tasting...

Inside the strawberry ...farm? They give you a special plate with condensed milk and a place for the stems.

The remains! I ate lots♥

We got presents, too: strawberry melon pan, 3 iwashi (anchovies), shio-konbu (seaweed), 1 tai-sembei (fish-shaped sweet rice cracker), and sunflower seeds.

Lovely day, no thinking, lots of food and fun (I'm done with strawberries and melon pan for a whiiile). Our bus guide is likely the naggiest mother ever. Lots of pictures, but I think this moment tops them all:

Kananyan(?) attacks!

japan, food, friends, pictures, cuteness

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